Saturday, November 25, 2023 Business Insurance And Risk Management Tips As we close the year out many businesses will be hosting company parties. Business owners, executives and human resources personnel need to make sure to avoid some key risks to ensure their day of merriment doesn’t turn into disaster. READ MORE >>
Thursday, November 17, 2022The Most Common Holiday Theft Losses We are in the middle of the holiday season. While you are out shopping for that perfect gift, criminals are also out looking for ways to enhance their holiday take. While your personal insurance will most likely cover losses from theft, we thought it might be good to identify the most common holiday theft losses. READ MORE >>
Wednesday, November 9, 2022Louisiana Personal Insurance Update The holiday shopping season is upon us, and many of us are searching our favorite web pages for the best deals on the items that top this year’s wish list. Last year, cyber Monday was the year’s single biggest day for shopping, generating over 2 billion dollars in sales. READ MORE >>
Thursday, August 27, 2020The majority of home burglaries in Louisiana do not involve violence or the use of a weapon. The average dollar loss from a burglary in the United States is just over $2,000, and there are over 2 million burglaries in the US every year. Your house is more than just an investment, it is a place where memories are made and dreams are built. READ MORE >>
Monday, December 9, 2019 The holiday season is in full swing. Over the next several weeks we will all be busy shopping, eating, and traveling. Thieves take full advantage of the holiday season because they know that that there are many expensive items in homes and cars, people are traveling and not home, and that police are overloaded. READ MORE >>
Tuesday, December 3, 2019 According to the US Fire Administration over 400 homes are destroyed annually by causes related to Christmas tree fires. offers competitive rates on Baton Rouge homeowner’s insurance that would cover accidental damage due to Christmas tree fires. Here are a few good reminders to help you enjoy the holiday: READ MORE >>
Thursday, November 14, 2019 We are getting closer to the peak holiday shopping season. We would like to provide all our clients with a few reminders about how to be safe and to prevent your gifts and other purchases from being stolen. Shopping during the holiday season can present unique dangers, but following a few prevention measures can help keep your holiday season joyous. READ MORE >>
Wednesday, June 26, 2019Fireworks during the Fourth of July are as American as apple-pie, but did you know that two out of five fires reported on that day are started by fireworks, more than for any other cause? So you think it cannot happen to you? Here are a few facts: In 2018 over 9,800 people went to the emergency room as a result of fireworks related injuries. READ MORE >>
Wednesday, September 7, 2016Louisiana Personal Insurance and Safety Update Summer vacation is over and a new school year has started. We will soon start to see the signs of back to school time, including more school busses on the road, and back to school displays in the stores. Now is the time to start thinking about keeping your child safe. READ MORE >>
Tuesday, August 23, 2016Louisiana Summer 2016 Vacation Safety Your family is on vacation having a great time, when you get a call from the police department telling you your home has been burglarized, and your identity may have been compromised. Chances are your homeowner’s insurance will cover you, but a little prevention might have prevented the loss. READ MORE >>
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